Product Questions

Questions regarding the products.

Can I change the accessories which shown in the picture?
Fulfilling the requirements of our customers is our foremost priority. So, if you wish to get the accessories changed, we will be happy to do it for you. We...
Tue, 21 Sep, 2021 at 8:40 AM
Is there any colour variation between the actual product and the picture shown in site?
Yes, you can expect minor changes in the color of the exact product that is delivered at your doorsteps. This variation is due to photographic lighting sour...
Tue, 21 Sep, 2021 at 8:40 AM
What we could do if we see any damage before wearing the dress ?
Although we thoroughly do the quality check of the product before dispatching them for which we have already assigned a dedicated team. Hence, it is high...
Tue, 21 Sep, 2021 at 8:40 AM